Executive Committee

A Few Words

About Executive Committee

The executive committee is responsible for managing the community. The executive committee will be duly elected by the members. The power of association stated in the constitution will be vested by the executive committee. Managing affairs of association along with implementing internal affairs are the core roles of the executive committee. It’s also responsible for establishing sub=comittess and deciding the relevant factors such as goal, size, composition, and authority. Transactions of their business will also be carried out by the executive committee. Members of executive committees are the members of trustees. Regular meetings will be conducted for the same.

The executive committee s the board of trustees and will remain in power for 2 years. The committee consists of 8 members with 3 honorary positions chairperson, secretary, and treasurer.
black professional, a black man on a suit, young-4334648.jpg

Jane Doe


black professional, a black man on a suit, young-4334648.jpg

Jane Doe


black professional, a black man on a suit, young-4334648.jpg

Jane Doe


black professional, a black man on a suit, young-4334648.jpg

Jane Doe

Board Member

black professional, a black man on a suit, young-4334648.jpg

Jane Doe

Board Member

black professional, a black man on a suit, young-4334648.jpg

Jane Doe

Board Member

black professional, a black man on a suit, young-4334648.jpg

Jane Doe

Board Member